Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012 !!

Hello Everyone. I know I've been lost but my semester is coming to an end and I'm having my exams so my stress level is rising like anything. It's 31st December, 2012...that means it's new year tomorrow..Yeppiiee.....BUT I'll probably be stuck in my dorm studying *hmph*

So, I just thought about writing a quick post about the year "2012"
A lot has happened this year.
2012 might just be one of the most memorable year of my life, it has all been about adjusting, adapting & still trying to hold on to who I really am.

I almost went crazy the first few months…..away from family…..away from friends…….away from my dog… midst of people I didn't know well. Looking around and thinking about how much my life has changed. All the feeling I kept inside me made me so angry at times, sometimes I wanted to cry, sometimes I would just wish to be alone but as time passed by I started to see a light. Everything was clearing up, I could see I was changing into a person that may be I was born to be.

All the anger faded away. I started to see the brighter side of the picture. I had always been this pessimist who’d see a full glass empty and complain about it but now nothing really worries me. I believe whatever happens, happens for good.  I've realized how if you are satisfied in the inside, happiness surrounds you in the outside.  I can genuinely smile now, I’m a happy person. If I ever grow up and look back at this post I want my future self to remember and know, happiness is not about having everything in the world, it’s about finding that inner peace, feeling lucky & blessed.

This year is coming to an end. It has been like a roller coaster ride with loads of ups and downs. Falling, rising & smiling. But there is one thing that worries me. World did not end on 21st December 2012 but I feel like the humanity did. Hearing these news about crimes that has been happening all over the world. Innocent people being killed for no reason is just so heartbreaking. How can a human being be so brutal ? I want to pray for every single soul & wish that people would hold on to their humanity and try to make this world a better place to live in. No matter who you are, where you are or what you do.....the most important thing is to be a good person & keep on smiling :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 !!! ^^

Spread peace
Spread Love
Stay Happy
Happy Girl !!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm Back !!!

FINALLY !!!..........Hello :)
I've been away for quite some time as I wasn't being able to access to my blog & facebook through China net. Imagine life without the social networking sites ?? It was awful, no status updates, no picture updates, it was like I was living in a isolated place, I almost died out of boredom. Okay ! okay ! I need to stop being so dramatic, It wasn't that bad. Infact I almost learned to live without my lovely blog & facebook BUT I'M BACK :)

Here are some picture updates from my instagram !!. Hope you like them........

My school bag :)

Click ** Click 

Shopping !!!

Cotton candy clouds *dreamy*

Ice-cream in winter ^^

Sushi ~~ harahittta !!

Soon the leaves will fall down and the cold wind will blow them away. *winterlove

Dorm life ;)

The day when the wind almost blew me away !!

Happy Deepawali 2069 :)

That's all for now
Hope you're having a wonderful time
Enjoy life & keep on smiling
Happy Girl

Thursday, September 6, 2012 I grew smarter but my heart is still on the dumb side

Looking outside the window you try to remind yourself how things keep on changing
.............& adapting is the only way to survive.
Nobody can be trusted.
Expectations lead to disappointments.

How 'that' someone who said would love you forever leaves & never looks back.
How your 'best friend' is no longer in your friend zone OR may be she never was.
How people you trusted the most were the ones to stab on your back.
How people lie to your face & act like nothings wrong.
Sometimes I feel like everything I ever knew, was a LIE.

You try to surround yourself with a protective layer of negativity. 
"It's a lie" "It's a lie" "It's a lie", that's what your brain keeps on reminding you when someone tells you things that can make you happy. Good things like how they miss you, like you, care about you, will never betray you or hurt you. YES, you want to believe them but you cannot. Your brain wont let you and most of the times, it's making the right decision. Because those people don't mean it, they never did. Later when you find out about the truth your brain goes "See ? Told ya !!" but deep down your heart still feels the pain as no matter how many times your brain asked you not to believe them, your stupid heart ALWAYS DID !!!

Happy girl

Friday, August 3, 2012

[DD] Discovering the MINI FOREST !!

                                                                                                                                        2nd August, 2012
Dear Diary,
Today me & my friend decided to go to the mart which takes about 5 minutes in a bus because it's summer vacation and the department stores inside my university are closed, thus I was compelled to go outside under this harsh sun in order to buy groceries (by groceries I mean chips, chocolate & all the other kinds of junk food >.^)
Summer in Xuzhou is SOooo hot, it makes we wanna stay inside my room & do nothing but watch dramas all day long. Thank God the weather was on our side today, it wasn't very sunny and we could feel the wind; unlike other days.

             It all started with us getting ready in my room :) This is me & my friend Sandhya posing before heading out.
Showing off my Picasa editing skills :D *I know I suck at it*
                            As we got off the bus, on the right side of the road we could see a grassy land and some trees. So, we decided to look around before we went to the mart(which was on the left side of the road). As we slowly walked all that we could see were more trees & more trees & more trees. Thus, the "mini-forest" was discovered. It might be a small park made by the chinese people but I prefer to call it the mini-forest. We're planning to go there again with more friends and explore the whole area. ^^

I wonder how do I come up with all of these "akward" poses -.-'

Will you believe me if I tell you, I am the girl lost in the forest ?? [>.^]

Explaning about this pic; "Eerr.......Trees kind of make me happy ?" O.o
I've always loved nature. I feel so good when I'm walking around places like this. Some place away from all the big buildings, vehicles, people or lets just say "the outer world". Peaceful & beautiful. Finding this place just made my day a happy one :) 
Looking forward to go there again, may be on a picnic !!

Till next time takecare

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm nineTEEN & I've planned out my whole life O.o

Hey there,
I know I said I'd be blogging on regular basis but I've been so busy doing NOTHING [>.<]

In the middle of watching a Bollywood movie I suddenly wanted to update a FB status but somehow I ended up here :) Somethings been bugging me for so long and if I don't get it out now, I might go crazy :O 
Don't worry, it's not that serious but I hope you sit & listen ^^

 Have you ever been clueless about your life ? Have no idea what you're going to do in the future, totally blank about which subject you want to choose or what you want to be when you grow up ? Well, for me that never happened. I've always wanted to be a doctor, in-between I did wanted to be a singer, RJ, architect, pilot (but that's a different story). Before I finished my grade 10 finals I already knew I wanted to study Science in my +2, before I finished my +2 finals I was already looking around for MBBS preparation classes and that's how I ended up here (studying medicine in China)

So, I know I am going to be a doctor in next 5 years, I have this list of things I am going to do after I graduate. It's like I've planned out my whole life and I am serious about it (unlike the time I wanted to be a TV star) It's all good but I am 19 & is it normal for be to be thinking so much about LIFE ? I am not a boring person but sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on all the fun of being a teenager because I'm too busy planning what I'm going to do in my 30s or 40s. They say "Life happens when you're planning it" I'm just scared I might not be able to figure out who I am now because of who I will be tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel like giving up, I get tired of being so uptight, thinking too much never helps, I've planned out everything and it's kinda driving me crazy. I look around, see people of my age doing what ever they feel like, not serious about their future and running around like idiots(no offence), I often think they should start being serious about life before it's too late "but" at times should I be like those idiots BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ?

I need to loosen up, LIVE, breathe, jump, roll *sigh* life is too short and every day I feel like "A DAY" is slipping away :/

That's me thinking deep about my life. Okay !! Okay, I'm just posing *teehee*

That's all for today !!
Next day I might come with some more complains about life
...because even HAPPYgirl gets upset at times
Till next time xoxo

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

                     Hello, long time no see eh ? I've been so busy STUDYing for my final exams. I'm glad its over, I hated watching dramas with that "I should be studying" feeling in my heart, hehe. I hope you are having a wonderful summer or winter, in case it's winter in your country O.o  And on a random note, I hate summer.


 vacation just started & I have no idea what I am going to do for the next 2 months. The first thing that came to my mind was "Do Something Productive". Last semester I wasted my spring break sleeping all day and using net all night and of course eating in between *sigh* I don't want that to happen again.

Did you guys notice something ? I normally don't blog about my daily life and stuffs but I've decided to blog more often so stay tuned if you want to see me blab about boring things happening in my life :)

See you soon

Friday, June 29, 2012

STOP Animal Testing !!

                          Have you ever heard of animal testing ? I bet you have. I had heard about it, I knew how cosmetic companies do their tests on animals before selling out their products in the market but I never knew how bad it was. I mean, I was a ignorant fool I guess, I always thought "what harm can simple cosmetics cause to the animals". I never gave it a second thought but today a picture I saw on internet made me dig deeper, that's when I realized, how these animals are burnt, blinded, tortured with chemicals and stuffs, just so we can have a nice lip color or smooth skin. INHUMAN !! 

I am trying to figure out why these kinds of un-necessary experiments are done on animals when there are other methods to test those cosmetics.
JUST BECAUSE we are human and more powerful
JUST BECAUSE they cannot defend themselves
JUST BECAUSE they cannot tell you how much they are hurting
JUST BECAUSE some people think their(animals) life is less precious
JUST BECAUSE I am here writing about it and have NO IDEA about how to stop this :(

I'll let the pictures do rest of the talking..............

Happy Girl is SAD today :'(

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do you want to change anything from your past ?

                           It's 2:32 am & I had this sudden urge to wake up and make a new blog post. So here I am, moving my fingers on my keyboard while I should have been travelling in my dream land. 
All of us use this key, every once in a while :)

                         Sometimes I get on my TIME MACHINE and travel back in time. Just kidding !! It's the pictures in my drawer, old videos, songs or my random thoughts that let's me relive the moments. Human mind is amazing, we can close our eyes and imagine everything like it was yesterday. So many things unsaid, so much drama created, so many times getting hurt & so many times hurting other people. I can remember everything, every detail, every words said and every feeling felt. Walking down the memory lane is not easy, sometimes it's confusing. Looking back at times we cried can make us laugh and looking back at times we laughed can actually bring tears to our eyes. Good or bad, I find my memories amusing, it let's me see how I have changed in so many ways yet I'm still the same(if you know what I mean). Bad memories haunts me at times and I wish I could change so many things about my past but then I re-think and realise how every little part of my past is what made me who I am today and I would never want to change that. At the end it's all about today, who I am and where I stand and if tomorrow anyone walks up to me with an actual time machine and ask me that one question "Do you want to change anything from your past ?" I'd give a smile and say "If I could actually relive my life, every single thing I did, every mistakes I made, every tear I shed...I wouldn't change a thing !!"

*Yawn* I should probably get to bed now
See  you guys next time
Till then, embrace your memories and keep on smiling ^^

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I wish I could take your pain away

                         Two posts in one day may be a little too much but it's already 12:03 am & technically it's another day :) So there I was looking at my Facebook news feed & something got my attention.(I prefer to not talk about what happened because I think I have no right)
                        It got me thinking about how sometimes when someone you know is going through a very hard time & you know they are hurting bad, you wanna console them but you're afraid you might not be able come up with the right words or worse end up saying something stupid which might hurt them more. You can just imagine what they are going through but you cannot know what it's like to be in that exact situation, you cannot imagine the degree of pain their heart must be holding in. Wish I could do something, wish I had words to tell you but all that I am capable to say is a faint "take care" :/

                        OK, so that was me talking about "someone we know" but what if  "that someone" suffering is someone close to us ? Someone we love so much, someone we care about, someone so dear that seeing them is pain makes your heart feel like it's been crushed. Sometimes I hate the fact that I am just a human with no magical powers. When bad things happen to people I love, when I see them in pain, all that I can do is sit there and watch. Being there is NOT good enough. I feel a heavy weight on my chest. The thought that I am incapable to help them, makes it hard to breathe at times. Once again, I find no words to tell them......inside I scream "I wish I could take your pain away" and outside I smile and try not to show, it's killing me inside. I get so angry at times but then have this faith that if God gives you pain, he makes you strong enough to bear it. I pray, I pray everyday & hope slowly he is going to fix everything. Faith is all that keeps me going.

Have faith
& smile for the ones you love <3

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Let it go !!

                                   You know how you see someone with that sad look on their face & in a minute they start complaining about how they have a crappy life. I’ve seen people do this & I always wonder “WHY?”. If you let a bad thing turn your day into a bad day & your bad day make you feel like you have a bad life, then you’re nothing but stupid.  But at times I end up being the stupid one. Bad feelings are powerful, they can make the happiest day seem like a nightmare. We humans have this habit of looking at the bad side of the situation, instead of working things out we tend to sit down and mourn about what went wrong, why it went wrong, how it went wrong, bla bla bla. Is it even worth it ?  Why can’t we simply let it go as what’s done is done, it cannot be changed & why ruin the rest of the day thinking about it ? Every time I’m in a situation like this, I tell myself how I am stronger than this “bad feeling”, how I won’t let it drag me down, I put on a smile and enjoy the rest of my day. It’s not a easy job but ones you get used to it, you’ll love the feeling.

                                        And trying to look at the positive side, we actually need bad things to happen so that we can truly cherish the goodness of good things(if you know what I mean). Each day is a gift, we have an uncertain future so remember that every minute you stay sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness J

Feel blessed
Stay happy
& keep reading my blog posts [>.^]

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy new Year 2069 :)

                    Nepali new year 2069, I wanned to wish everyone & write something about how I'd like to live my life. With every passing day, we add new memories to life........we do good things, we do bad things but what really defines us is the way we handle ourselves, how we deal with everything & everyone around us, how we live our life doing what we love. Let's stop living life fulfilling expectations of the group of people we like to call "the society". Let's be oursleves, let the inner beauty shine through our eyes, make happy moments with people  we love & not waste time thinking about stupid stuffs that takes our smile away. The sole purpose of life is to LIVE. At the end we'll not remember how many breath we took, it'll all be about how many moments took our breath away. 

"Man. He sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he doesn't live in the present or in the future; he lives as if he'll never die & then dies having never really lived" - Dalai Lama
[This got me thinking deep about my life, so I wanned to share it with you guys]

Nawa Barsa 2069 saal ko hardik mangal maye shubhakamana !!! :D 

*Jai Nepal*

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do you remember me ?


                  In life we meet a lot of people. Some of them were there to bring a change in us, some of them tried to break us, some of them made us who we are today. People come and  people go, what really haunts me is the thought of being forgotten by the ones  I’ll always remember.

                   I am one of those people who  cannot trust anyone when it comes to letting them into her heart. Maybe it’s because I know how fragile it is. Scared of being hurt, I chose to stay away from so many people I really cared about. It was better to say good-bye then than to separate later. I guess I was thinking too much, which made me give up on what we had,  in all of this may be I lost someone who could have been my everything. It’s funny how I don’t regret it because I let go of people who didn’t bother  to hold on to me. So, may be I made the right decision.  I still have many people in my life but I tend to go back in time, think about all the great feelings I had & a sharp thought gives this uneasy feeling to my heart; do they ever  think about me ? So many people, I left behind who were a great part of my life, who understood me & people who I could understand.  Do they get these flash backs when they hear my name(because I do) ? Was I worth being remembered ? Do they remember how things used to be before it all got so messed up ? Was I ever  an important  person in their lives ? So many questions runs through my head. So many things I wanna tell them BUT  now they act like strangers, they pretend we’ve never met,  I feel like I don’t know them and all the memories I have is just a part of my  dream. Every time I think about them….……all I can do is close my eyes & let my heart shout out loud “Do you still remember ME ??”

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We STILL believe in it :)

            Hello EVERYONE ^.^ I've been so lazy lately so thought about writing this short blog on something I really believe in. I've been reviving my childhood memories by watching the Disney fairy tales all over again(finished watching two of them). Hope you like this one & bear with me till I come up with something more interesting. *TEEHEE*

           We grew up watching the FAIRY TALES. Dreaming about a prince who’ll come into our lives & give us our very own “Happily Ever After”. Slowly we all realised we live in the REAL world, some of us knew about it the nice way…….. while some of us, through the hard way(I guess you all know what I mean)

            These days telling those three magical words is so easy. “I will love you forever” does not last as long as we think it will, hurting, betraying & moving on is the new trend. I see everyone mourning over their unfulfilled love stories which gets me thinking how we always thought our first love would last forever. 

          But no matter how much we get hurt, no matter how many pieces our hearts turn into, we still manage to love with those little broken pieces, we still hope for a better  love story. Every time the same thought runs across our minds. Every girl has this dream of finding THAT perfect one !! Perfect in sense......perfect for her. We know fairy tales do not exist but some how....some where...we STILL believe in IT ♥

Oh, my dear prince 

We are NOT strangers.

I know you.

Don't you remember ?

We've met before........ONCE UPON A DREAM <3

Have faith in your dreams & someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through 

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

A dream that you wish...WILL COME TRUE ^_^ 

Happy Girl will always believe in HAPPY ENDINGS :) 
All of you should start believing that good things fall apart so that better things can fall into its place.
Take care
much love

Saturday, February 11, 2012

........................Is it OKAY, not being pretty ??

                   I once knew this girl, so young & so naive. She had a crush but ‘they’ said ugly girls were not allowed to love. Looking at the mirror she’d always see flaws, late at night she’d ask God why he made her so ugly and all the other girls around her so pretty ? She grew up trying hard to look good,  trying hard to fix herself, most of all trying hard to be liked by other people. This might sound pathetic but this is the kind of world we live in, where people are judged upon their outer look(I hear, at places even a job is given to a better looking candidate). It’s the heart that matters  but nobody wants to know the heart of a physically ugly person. Everyone is in this race of being perfect, looking the best but in the process without knowing or realising they loose themselves, they forget who they really are in the inside.

                The one and only question that lingers around me is, “Is it Okay not being pretty ?” I once read somewhere; one needs to look and act like a princess in order to get a prince & every girl wants a prince, don’t they ? Sometimes I wish every human on this planet would look alike (e.g ants) *sigh*
The funny thing is when I see guys saying that girls who wear make up are fake, they obviously like pretty girls & on top of that they want natural beauty ?? Hello !! Not everyone is born pretty -.-
Fake are people who lie to your face, fake are friends who go behind your back and spread shit about you, fake are people who tell you they love you when they don’t. You wanna call ‘make up’ fake ? That’s like saying ‘wearing  jeans’ is fake ‘putting on shades’ is fake ‘buying good shoes’ is fake. People are already trying to deal with the pressure of being “PRETTY” and then you go around and call them fake ? Why is everything so complicated ? Argghhhh……..
So, if one day one of  us decides to quit on this whole being pretty thing and goes around looking the ugly self, then what ? She is going to be the ugly one and the world will remain the same. There is nothing we can do, we’ll just have to live with it. Therefore, it is concluded that, it is not okay not being pretty. A tiny bit of hope that we all can keep is one fine day, we’ll be able to find some people who will not judge us based on our look and will love us for who we are in the inside ^^ (Best friends & Love)

Happy girl will meet you guys next time. 
So till then, take care of yourself. 
Love yourself because no-one can do it better & stay pretty inside and out. 
*much love*

Important note :
            You might see girls trying so hard to look good. Hair, face, clothes, shoes, breakouts etc we got a lot to worry about. Every time we see a mirror, we try to fix ourselves, some are too obsessed & some care a little less BUT when you are a girl, you do care about your looks (can’t deny that).You can call her pretty, beautiful, cute a  million times and she may never believe you but call her UGLY just once and she will never  forget. That’s what hurts her the most. She might act strong and say that she doesn’t care about what other people say but deep down she still does, it still hurts. I mean, why would anyone call a girl ugly ? Ain't it about the type of person you are ? Why judge people based on their looks ? Guys can handle it pretty well I guess, I’m a girl & I know she cannot handle it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You Don't Understand !!!

      One sentence that really annoys me is “You don’t understand”.
Every time somebody has this sad face because of “problems” they have, I try to be a nice friend, tell them it’s gonna be okay & ask them to cheer up but what I get in return is “Yuh don’t understand” -.-' Like seriously ??..... just because I do not sit all day whining about my problems, my grief or the pain that I hide inside……yuh think I have NO PROBLEMS ?? You look at the happy me & think how my life is so simple and perfect  with no drama. Someone who doesn’t understand something is YOU !! Yes, Y-O-U !!! 
**But at the end, what I end up saying is “Yes, I do not understand :S” (because I don’t wanna upset them more)

         I may not understand what you are going through unless it is something that I have experienced earlier BUT what I do understand is life cannot be THAT bad, we just have to look at it through different angles. Everyone thinks their problem is the biggest in the whole wide world(SO TRUE); like they are going through the most painful pain. Breaking up, fighting with friends or arguing with family members etc does not mean the end of the world. What YOU need to understand is problems are a part of our life, we need to accept them, running away or panicking is NEVER going to help, you need to fight against it.  Some unknown person once said "If life gives you  100 reasons to cry, show life you have 1000 reasons to smile”. No matter how dark or frightening a night is, we can assure our hearts that tomorrow,we will have sunshine, it’ll be a new day, it’ll be a better day J

         So, what I want from you guys is to stop worrying about your little problems & when  you feel  like your life is not good enough…..ALWAYS look at the less fortunate ones(sth taught to me by my mom <3). It’ll show you how lucky you are. Stop complaining about today and hope for a better tomorrow, because if you keep trying and believing HAPPINESS will find its way !! :D

Happy Girl <3

Picture Source: Google
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