Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do you remember me ?


                  In life we meet a lot of people. Some of them were there to bring a change in us, some of them tried to break us, some of them made us who we are today. People come and  people go, what really haunts me is the thought of being forgotten by the ones  I’ll always remember.

                   I am one of those people who  cannot trust anyone when it comes to letting them into her heart. Maybe it’s because I know how fragile it is. Scared of being hurt, I chose to stay away from so many people I really cared about. It was better to say good-bye then than to separate later. I guess I was thinking too much, which made me give up on what we had,  in all of this may be I lost someone who could have been my everything. It’s funny how I don’t regret it because I let go of people who didn’t bother  to hold on to me. So, may be I made the right decision.  I still have many people in my life but I tend to go back in time, think about all the great feelings I had & a sharp thought gives this uneasy feeling to my heart; do they ever  think about me ? So many people, I left behind who were a great part of my life, who understood me & people who I could understand.  Do they get these flash backs when they hear my name(because I do) ? Was I worth being remembered ? Do they remember how things used to be before it all got so messed up ? Was I ever  an important  person in their lives ? So many questions runs through my head. So many things I wanna tell them BUT  now they act like strangers, they pretend we’ve never met,  I feel like I don’t know them and all the memories I have is just a part of my  dream. Every time I think about them….……all I can do is close my eyes & let my heart shout out loud “Do you still remember ME ??”

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