Saturday, February 11, 2012

........................Is it OKAY, not being pretty ??

                   I once knew this girl, so young & so naive. She had a crush but ‘they’ said ugly girls were not allowed to love. Looking at the mirror she’d always see flaws, late at night she’d ask God why he made her so ugly and all the other girls around her so pretty ? She grew up trying hard to look good,  trying hard to fix herself, most of all trying hard to be liked by other people. This might sound pathetic but this is the kind of world we live in, where people are judged upon their outer look(I hear, at places even a job is given to a better looking candidate). It’s the heart that matters  but nobody wants to know the heart of a physically ugly person. Everyone is in this race of being perfect, looking the best but in the process without knowing or realising they loose themselves, they forget who they really are in the inside.

                The one and only question that lingers around me is, “Is it Okay not being pretty ?” I once read somewhere; one needs to look and act like a princess in order to get a prince & every girl wants a prince, don’t they ? Sometimes I wish every human on this planet would look alike (e.g ants) *sigh*
The funny thing is when I see guys saying that girls who wear make up are fake, they obviously like pretty girls & on top of that they want natural beauty ?? Hello !! Not everyone is born pretty -.-
Fake are people who lie to your face, fake are friends who go behind your back and spread shit about you, fake are people who tell you they love you when they don’t. You wanna call ‘make up’ fake ? That’s like saying ‘wearing  jeans’ is fake ‘putting on shades’ is fake ‘buying good shoes’ is fake. People are already trying to deal with the pressure of being “PRETTY” and then you go around and call them fake ? Why is everything so complicated ? Argghhhh……..
So, if one day one of  us decides to quit on this whole being pretty thing and goes around looking the ugly self, then what ? She is going to be the ugly one and the world will remain the same. There is nothing we can do, we’ll just have to live with it. Therefore, it is concluded that, it is not okay not being pretty. A tiny bit of hope that we all can keep is one fine day, we’ll be able to find some people who will not judge us based on our look and will love us for who we are in the inside ^^ (Best friends & Love)

Happy girl will meet you guys next time. 
So till then, take care of yourself. 
Love yourself because no-one can do it better & stay pretty inside and out. 
*much love*

Important note :
            You might see girls trying so hard to look good. Hair, face, clothes, shoes, breakouts etc we got a lot to worry about. Every time we see a mirror, we try to fix ourselves, some are too obsessed & some care a little less BUT when you are a girl, you do care about your looks (can’t deny that).You can call her pretty, beautiful, cute a  million times and she may never believe you but call her UGLY just once and she will never  forget. That’s what hurts her the most. She might act strong and say that she doesn’t care about what other people say but deep down she still does, it still hurts. I mean, why would anyone call a girl ugly ? Ain't it about the type of person you are ? Why judge people based on their looks ? Guys can handle it pretty well I guess, I’m a girl & I know she cannot handle it.


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