Sunday, May 27, 2012

I wish I could take your pain away

                         Two posts in one day may be a little too much but it's already 12:03 am & technically it's another day :) So there I was looking at my Facebook news feed & something got my attention.(I prefer to not talk about what happened because I think I have no right)
                        It got me thinking about how sometimes when someone you know is going through a very hard time & you know they are hurting bad, you wanna console them but you're afraid you might not be able come up with the right words or worse end up saying something stupid which might hurt them more. You can just imagine what they are going through but you cannot know what it's like to be in that exact situation, you cannot imagine the degree of pain their heart must be holding in. Wish I could do something, wish I had words to tell you but all that I am capable to say is a faint "take care" :/

                        OK, so that was me talking about "someone we know" but what if  "that someone" suffering is someone close to us ? Someone we love so much, someone we care about, someone so dear that seeing them is pain makes your heart feel like it's been crushed. Sometimes I hate the fact that I am just a human with no magical powers. When bad things happen to people I love, when I see them in pain, all that I can do is sit there and watch. Being there is NOT good enough. I feel a heavy weight on my chest. The thought that I am incapable to help them, makes it hard to breathe at times. Once again, I find no words to tell them......inside I scream "I wish I could take your pain away" and outside I smile and try not to show, it's killing me inside. I get so angry at times but then have this faith that if God gives you pain, he makes you strong enough to bear it. I pray, I pray everyday & hope slowly he is going to fix everything. Faith is all that keeps me going.

Have faith
& smile for the ones you love <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happened to me many times !!
    all u can say is ... ""eviting's gonna b okay""

  3. :) aww sweet.. your blogs great hun.. i wwanna blog more now.. lolz.. i havent blogged for about i dunno monthss.. keep writing.. :D its always great to read people's opinions and arguments.. <3


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