Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

                     Hello, long time no see eh ? I've been so busy STUDYing for my final exams. I'm glad its over, I hated watching dramas with that "I should be studying" feeling in my heart, hehe. I hope you are having a wonderful summer or winter, in case it's winter in your country O.o  And on a random note, I hate summer.


 vacation just started & I have no idea what I am going to do for the next 2 months. The first thing that came to my mind was "Do Something Productive". Last semester I wasted my spring break sleeping all day and using net all night and of course eating in between *sigh* I don't want that to happen again.

Did you guys notice something ? I normally don't blog about my daily life and stuffs but I've decided to blog more often so stay tuned if you want to see me blab about boring things happening in my life :)

See you soon


  1. -.- lucky you at least can have a decent vacation.
    Me? i have been working like shit.. uff i cannot call my vacation. VACATION!! anyways we should swap places. Here i am hating this winter arrgh..

    and AHEM you forgot to give credit to someone ahem ahem

    1. Iksa I want to work, not as much work as you do but few hours a day would be good. Problem is nobody hiring me T_T

      & you mean credit like "My sissy Iksa inspired me to blog more about my daily life & stuffs" :P :P

  2. Ohh, thank you :)
    I would love to visit someday if I get a chance, hehe
    Takecare & happy holidays


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