Saturday, May 26, 2012

Let it go !!

                                   You know how you see someone with that sad look on their face & in a minute they start complaining about how they have a crappy life. I’ve seen people do this & I always wonder “WHY?”. If you let a bad thing turn your day into a bad day & your bad day make you feel like you have a bad life, then you’re nothing but stupid.  But at times I end up being the stupid one. Bad feelings are powerful, they can make the happiest day seem like a nightmare. We humans have this habit of looking at the bad side of the situation, instead of working things out we tend to sit down and mourn about what went wrong, why it went wrong, how it went wrong, bla bla bla. Is it even worth it ?  Why can’t we simply let it go as what’s done is done, it cannot be changed & why ruin the rest of the day thinking about it ? Every time I’m in a situation like this, I tell myself how I am stronger than this “bad feeling”, how I won’t let it drag me down, I put on a smile and enjoy the rest of my day. It’s not a easy job but ones you get used to it, you’ll love the feeling.

                                        And trying to look at the positive side, we actually need bad things to happen so that we can truly cherish the goodness of good things(if you know what I mean). Each day is a gift, we have an uncertain future so remember that every minute you stay sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness J

Feel blessed
Stay happy
& keep reading my blog posts [>.^]


    lykes fo da one u wrote !!
    n person behind it :P :P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. this has taught me many things !! dat can't b explain !!
      weneva smth bad happens !! i will surely rememba this blog !! :P
      n the da stronger n da awesome writer who wrote this !! :P

    2. :) I'm glad you like it Saroj
      Thank you once again

    3. ur wc !! :D awesome writer (moh ta FAANNNNN)

  3. i am sorry but i laughed at your stick man hahha

    1. No worries, he didn't mind as he's too busy dancing in the rain :)


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