Sunday, February 10, 2013

When you can't see the other side of the story

Just staring at the floor with a lot of things running through my mind.
A part of me asking me to stop over thinking
...........& a part of me not letting me stop >.<

How much you love people around you ? How much you care & how much are you willing to do for them ?
Sometimes I can't help but wonder what I mean to them.

Doesn't it hurt a lot when somebody means so much to you and at the end you find out you were not a "important" part of their lives ? *been there

At times I just want people to prove to me that all the care & love I have for them, they actually deserve it. It might be me being selfish but I have some serious trust issues. My crazy, evil mind sometimes questions how faithful they are or maybe I am the only one trying and trying harder to maintain the relationship. I don't give up on people but if they don't care about me as I care about them what's the use of holding on ?

May be you care but fail to show. May be you have a lot to say but cannot come up with the right words. Maybe you're trying as hard as I am but how am I supposed to know your side of the story when it feels like I'm standing all alone ?

Trust me, I want to believe you care...I want to believe you'll be there for me but I get scared at times & every once in a while I'd like you to show me 'where I stand' !!!

Happy Girl 

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