Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A letter to God

Dear God, 
I know we talk everyday but today I thought about writing a letter for a change J

You know what today is, right ?? It’s 12:42 am and it’s my Birthday !!! I was 19 years old 42 minutes ago and now I’m 20 *phew*, sometimes I wish I could stop time and just stay the way I am. With time and everything around me I feel like I’m changing, learning more about life and maybe slowly turning into the person I am meant to be.

Today, I’d like to thank you for everything. I know I am blessed……with a loving family & friends, this heaven like world and every little thing that makes a difference. Sometimes I take it for granted but deep down you know I thank you everyday for being so nice, for giving me happiness, making me strong  and protecting me. I hope one day I’ll be able to give back to life, I’ll be able to do good things and be someone you can be proud of. Sometimes when you don't give me what I ask for I get kinda sad but I can never get mad at you as I know you've already given me more than enough. 
At times I find myself questioning your existence as I see terrible things happening in the world, maybe you have a good reason for all of that, maybe  there would be no good if there was no bad but still there are a lot of things I don't understand(you know what I'm talking about) \

At last I'd just like to say..........."You know what I want for this Birthday ; )"

If “the future me” ever looks back and reads this letter, I would want her to remember when she was 19 she was happy and blessed, she was thankful for things she had and made a promise that one day she will do good things and spread happiness in her own ways.

Life is never perfect, you cannot have everything you want but you can make it ‘imperfectly perfect’ by always looking at the brighter side of the picture  ^^

Every day is a blessing !!
Happy Birthday Lojima :)

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