Tuesday, August 9, 2011


           2021, I am happy with my life working at a multinational company, working for a wonderful boss. Yesterday we had given a vacancy announcement and today my desk was already filled wid de applications. I had to short list them based on de criteria that our company had provided me. Doing mah job as I always do, I saw a name on one of de application & it brought back tons of memories, I'd say the MOST BITTER ones.
           "What have I done so wrong ? Why do you hate me so much ?" dat was me crying out loud in middle school. Leave it, lets look at de application, well she does meet wid all our criteria. I stared at de dustbin where de rejected applications were dumped. Should I ?? Why not ?? I clearly remember how she cancelled mah history paper wen she was de Head girl, accusing me of cheating wen I WASN'T !!! She turned mah close friends against me. She's da most evil I've ever known. Her application deserves dat dustbin n how can i forget how she tried to steal mah boyfriend in high school ?? *tho she didn't succeed* <3

           It was de next day n she walked in for the interview. Yah !! Yah!! I Didn't dump her application. She went in n came out wid a disappointed face in less den 15 mins. Lol, turns out she didn't have what our boss was looking for, its was clear she FAILED de interview. On her way back, she saw me n wid a frustrated look she asked, "Did yuh do dis ??" I smiled n said, "NO, yuh see, there's a BIG DIFFERENCE between yuh n ME" :))

Picture Source: Google


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