Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm nineTEEN & I've planned out my whole life O.o

Hey there,
I know I said I'd be blogging on regular basis but I've been so busy doing NOTHING [>.<]

In the middle of watching a Bollywood movie I suddenly wanted to update a FB status but somehow I ended up here :) Somethings been bugging me for so long and if I don't get it out now, I might go crazy :O 
Don't worry, it's not that serious but I hope you sit & listen ^^

 Have you ever been clueless about your life ? Have no idea what you're going to do in the future, totally blank about which subject you want to choose or what you want to be when you grow up ? Well, for me that never happened. I've always wanted to be a doctor, in-between I did wanted to be a singer, RJ, architect, pilot (but that's a different story). Before I finished my grade 10 finals I already knew I wanted to study Science in my +2, before I finished my +2 finals I was already looking around for MBBS preparation classes and that's how I ended up here (studying medicine in China)

So, I know I am going to be a doctor in next 5 years, I have this list of things I am going to do after I graduate. It's like I've planned out my whole life and I am serious about it (unlike the time I wanted to be a TV star) It's all good but I am 19 & is it normal for be to be thinking so much about LIFE ? I am not a boring person but sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on all the fun of being a teenager because I'm too busy planning what I'm going to do in my 30s or 40s. They say "Life happens when you're planning it" I'm just scared I might not be able to figure out who I am now because of who I will be tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel like giving up, I get tired of being so uptight, thinking too much never helps, I've planned out everything and it's kinda driving me crazy. I look around, see people of my age doing what ever they feel like, not serious about their future and running around like idiots(no offence), I often think they should start being serious about life before it's too late "but" at times should I be like those idiots BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ?

I need to loosen up, LIVE, breathe, jump, roll *sigh* life is too short and every day I feel like "A DAY" is slipping away :/

That's me thinking deep about my life. Okay !! Okay, I'm just posing *teehee*

That's all for today !!
Next day I might come with some more complains about life
...because even HAPPYgirl gets upset at times
Till next time xoxo

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

                     Hello, long time no see eh ? I've been so busy STUDYing for my final exams. I'm glad its over, I hated watching dramas with that "I should be studying" feeling in my heart, hehe. I hope you are having a wonderful summer or winter, in case it's winter in your country O.o  And on a random note, I hate summer.


 vacation just started & I have no idea what I am going to do for the next 2 months. The first thing that came to my mind was "Do Something Productive". Last semester I wasted my spring break sleeping all day and using net all night and of course eating in between *sigh* I don't want that to happen again.

Did you guys notice something ? I normally don't blog about my daily life and stuffs but I've decided to blog more often so stay tuned if you want to see me blab about boring things happening in my life :)

See you soon
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